Sunday, November 30, 2008


 So I started a load of whites in the washer and went back to playing Eve-Online. An hour went by and I thought, "Oh I better move those to the dryer!"

 I opened the door to the wash room and I was greeted by the smell of fried electronics. Which immediately spread throughout the apartment. The washer had filled with water, started the cycle then died a few minutes into it.

 Since there was a burning smell I thought, "Holy crap!". Next I though, "I had better call the emergency maintenance number for my building." So I called and this is what they said!!!

"Since there is no visible fire or bellows of smoke then this is not an emergency"

I wanted to let the lady know how dumb that was but I resisted the urge. They should have sent someone to at least take a look. There could ( and still could be ) smoldering action behind the unit that I cant see. Could be lint, dust, a belt... anything. Hmmm... If I die in a fire while I am sleeping then let it be known that I died with clean underwear on. 

She transferred me to the main office's voice mail and I let them know that my washer may be on fire and they should stop by in the morning.  Ha

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